36.Тематическое монологическое высказывание

Демонстрационный вариант Основнóй госудáрственный экзáмен ОГЭ 2017 г.  – задание №36

You are going to give a talk about photography. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• why people like taking pictures

• why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past

• what the best photo you have ever taken is

You have to talk continuously.


I’d like to start with the notion that taking pictures has become very popular these days. Not to mention that almost every family has their own camera. I think that people like taking pictures because in that way they can memorize the moment. Looking at the self-made photograph makes you think about old good times. In my opinion, taking photos is more popular now than it was before because cameras have become cheaper and more people can buy them. Speaking about me, I like taking photos, too. And, obviously, I have my best shot. It’s the photograph of the local lake surrounded by trees. In conclusion, I think that taking photos is a good hobby and it’s great that many people agree with me.